Wheat Breeding Society
The Wheat Breeding Society of Australia is a national body committed to ensuring Australia continues to develop sustainable wheat varieties suitable for Australian wheat growing systems.
The primary role of the Wheat Breeding Society is to convene a regular meeting (The Assembly) of wheat breeders and allied researchers.

Wheat Breeding Australia
With the importance of wheat to the Australian economy, innovation in wheat varieties is essential to ensure resilience and profitability in the face of climate variability, soil factors and the extensive array of soil borne and foliar pests and diseases.
Investment in wheat breeding has the potential to provide incremental and transformational improvements in profit and productivity over the long term.
The Wheat Breeding Society of Australia office bearers are:
Professor Richard Trethowan – President
Dr Lindsay O’Brien – Secretary
Dr Meiqin Lu – Treasurer
Dr Philip Davies
Dr Jessica Hyles
Dr Dan Mullan
Dr Rebecca Thistlethwaite
Ms Isobella Revell

Our Goal
The Society’s primary activity is to gather industry stakeholders together at the
Wheat Breeding Assembly to focus on the science and practice of
developing Australia’s future wheat varieties.

The Wheat Breeding Society Inc. was formed to facilitate communication between wheat breeders, wheat geneticsts wheat researchers and the broader wheat industry.

Allied researchers engaged in all fields of wheat research.

Hybrid wheat breeding; triticale breeding; modelling and economics of wheat breeding programs.

Wheat Breeding Assembly, Australia’s wheat breeding forum, brings together breeders, researchers and other industry stakeholders to build a stronger, more resilient and profitable Australian wheat industry.

The Triticum Award for Excellence in Wheat Improvement is in recognition of members who have made a major and sustained contribution to wheat improvement.

Minimal management structure, consisting of a council comprising the President and Secretary for the upcoming Assembly and a representative from each State and Territory of the Commonwealth and New Zealand.
Our Mission
Our mission is to facilitate communication between wheat breeders,
wheat geneticists, allied researchers engaged in all fields of
wheat research and the broader wheat industry.